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Lee Spin Jet® Nozzle

Lee Spin Jets utilize unique vortices and flow passages to provide a finely atomized hollow cone spray pattern. When used with most normal fuels, Spin Jets produce a 70° cone angle spray with differential pressure in the 50-200 psi range. With liquids having a surface tension in the 0.002-0.005lb/ft. range, the droplet size is typically less than 150 micron. Four convenient part numbers, spanning the range from 6,000 to 18,000 Lohms, are available, each with a safety screen to protect against rogue particles.

Key Product Facts
  • Hollow cone, pressure atomized spray with integral screen protection
  • Miniaturized envelope, economical, field proven
  • All stainless steel construction
Part Numbers
NZSA1801600D, NZSA1801900D, NZSA1801120H, NZSA1801180H

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CAD Envelope
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