Whenever there is flow through an orifice, there is power consumption (or loss) which is a function of the pressure drop and the flow rate. The following data is useful in calculating the hydraulic power requirements of a system.
H = Pressure drop (psi)
I = Flow rate (GPM)
HP = Hydraulic power (horsepower)
The hydraulic power can also be expressed in another convenient form.
For Water Applications:
Since 1 HP = 746 watts, the above formula can be:
The nomogram below shows this relationship.
For Liquid Applications:
V = Viscosity compensation factor
SG = Specific gravity
L = Lohm rate (lohms)
A Lee Chek® Valve such as CKRA1876005 with 400 Lohms will flow 0.35 GPM of water at 50 psid. At those conditions, what horsepower is lost?
Always verify flow calculations by experiment.
*There are many parameters to consider when determining V-Factor. Click here for more information.